Sunday, May 23, 2021

Now, let's try communion

In the mid 1980s I was part of St James, King Street, Sydney. Philip Hughes was the rector. A wonderful pastor he made.

I church in which I received much and I hope gave as well.

One Sunday our communion service was joined by a tribe of visitors. It multiplied the number of communicants by about 3, with much consternation and activity at the table as more elements were prepared.

At morning tea, which the visitors also descended upon, like this was intermission at a show, and communion was the show.

I spoke to one of the tribe. They were all attendees at a course on spirituality. It was a 'New Age' course on how all spiritualities were but aspects of the one core spirituality that all people shared.

I can't recall my response but I'm sure it was lame, as I sought to contain my indignation that we were used, our Lord was used, to fulfill their pagan fantasy.

As I was watching Peter Jones lecture "Truth Matters" given at Helix Bible Church (65 subscribers on YouTube). This event came back to me.

Peter had not at this time really started his work on paganism, and the few writers I had read had little to say of any value.

How I would have loved to see this video then.

The conversation would be much more penetrating.

I might have started with: 'why do you think that there is such a thing as  spirituality and why are all 'spiritualities' aspects of the one basic spirituality?

It could have gone many places from here, but at least some of them may have planted a seed of doubt in the fellow's pagan world view that 'all is one' in delusional denial of reality and our inevitable experience of it.

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