Monday, August 12, 2024

Is Slam a mimetic religion?

In his book God, Guilt and Death, Westphal (also see the blog here) sets out a taxonomy of religions in three divisions:

Exilic - typically Eastern impersonal/depersonalizing systems that regard people here as exiles from some other, better place (typically a monist no-where place)

Mimetic - 'earthly religions that seek some level of control over life and destiny by actions in this world.

Covenental - typically Judaism and Christianity.

In the book, he doesn't make it clear where Islam sits, as a claimed 'Abrahamic' religion.

I dispute that it has anything to do with Abraham and Yahweh's covenant with him.

The covenants with Israel and the wider people of God marked by repentance and new life are characterized by love and forgiveness (love seeking fellowship by repentance of his people resulting in forgiveness). This is not performance on our part, but a gift of God; all we do is turn towards him by repentance.

Islam sees its function as performance (of the Pillars), and, if you are lucky, or a martyr, you will get to 'paradise'. You will never have fellowship with Allah. It is about actions in the world to earn a good outcome. Not a loving action by Yahweh out of love.

We seek to follow Christ because we 'belong in heaven', to quote a recent sermon by our Rector. That is, we are citizens of the New Creation, in his kingdom.

Thus, Islam is a mimetic religion.

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