Saturday, February 9, 2019

Cooking it up

Brenton Cook, in his somewhat OK article Hume's Guillotine makes some interesting comments which, to my mind, betray a misunderstanding of the doctrine of Creation.

A few quotes:

Ex. 1 Divine Command
Ex. 1
The Divine Command Theory at work? The problem is that this does not go to the heart of the matter. Murder is not 'wrong' becuase God says so. God tells us it is wrong because in a fallen state we are not able to live out our 'image-ness' and be in harmony with God who is love. It is not part of basic reality (shown in the Trinity) that one murders another. This is inconsistent with the first ontological step. That God (in three persons) is love and is always, without beginning or end. To murder is to turn your back on how God is and thus how we truly are, under the besmirching of sin. It is to participate in 'not-God-ness'.

Ex. 2 Begin with the Personal
Ex. 2
As I alluded above, Christianity almost begins with the personal basis of reality. I say almost because that is rather abstractly philosophical. The Christian begins with God in three persons who is love. The loving relational basis of reality!

Ex. 3 Paternal Command Theory

Ex. 3 
Only a Calvinist would choose this illustration! Read the extract, then read Philippians; try 3:7-16.
Our relationship with God is completely different from the reflexive Calvinist talks about commands, not love! Compare some scriptures about fathers and children: What father gives his son a stone? (Matt 7:9); and how are we to care for our children? (Eph 6:4); (Col 3:21). And an example of it: 1 Thess 2:11. Simple; we are not to anger or exasperate them. Nothing like the first stop of Calvinism.  For a biblical approach to the example in Extract 3, see my remarks above.

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