Saturday, February 29, 2020

Books - there are too many of them!

Soloman and I are one on this.

I was looking over some lists I'd filed of top 100 books: Australian, Novels, Non-fiction. Some great books in all lists and I was pleased to see that I'd read a number of them (and as far as I remember, I was pleased with the books that I had read.)

But what about theology, Christian books?

A quick look took me to Frank Viola's lists. Like him, I don't agree with everything on them, but they are not bad as far as lists go. Again, I've read some of the books on each list.

The only limit is they are all recent books. Nothing from before the 20th Century, yet there is some great, important and stimulating theology back then.

If I would remove any book from Frank's list of theology, I'd knock out Barth. Waste of time, space, and bookshelf, in my view.

Top 100 general Christian -- too much Watchman Nee, too little Francis Schaeffer. In fact, I'd swap the two in the list.

Top 100 theology.

Two books not mentioned on either list, but very important.
  1. Tactics, by Greg Koukl, and 
  2. The Story of Reality by the same feller. Its also related in his Credo talk.
Greg's Credo talk presents a great summary of reality:

I like this a little better than the 7 Cs: creation, crisis, confusion, covenant, Christ, cross, consummation, mainly because it can be run on the five fingers (of either hand). One is a bit stuck with 7, although 7 is the number of perfection in the Bible, so its good on that count.

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