Friday, March 13, 2020

Now, that was 'church'

I normally attend a Baptist church, but last week we caught up with friends at our family's old church: a formal Anglican church (Episcopal in the US).

The order of service:

Organ prelude
Processional hymn: Take up your cross
>Opening prayer (a set prayer recited by all)
>Collect (a prayer in response said by the precentor)
OT reading
Anthem by choir: Christ is the world's true light
Gospel reading
Nicene creed (recited by all)
NT reading
Hymn: Man of sorrows
>The Lord's Prayer (recited by all)
Communion (I'll skip all the detail here, but, more scripture, confession, and reassurance from the minister)
Hymn: Let us worship Christ
>Going out to serve (prayer by minister, response recited by all)
Recessional hymn: Christ triumphant ever reigning
Organ postlude (Fantasia in C minor by JS Bach).

Now, that was church, that was honouring of our gathering, our saviour and his word and the witness of our brethren who had gone before us (and composed the music, wrote the liturgy and committed the scriptures to writing).

See Beasley-Murray's article related to this.

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