Saturday, July 30, 2022

Heal the earth

One of the ministers at my church  (ministers are both paid and volunteer in our usage, we have about 20 of them, five or whom are paid) has a young son.

The young son was mentioned, with some parental approbation, as having prayed that 'our earth might heal'. Doubtlessly the indoctrination of the school and media.

Now, I'm not going to unload on the child, but I am concerned at his parent's grasp of things and the teaching and encouragement the young one has obtained.

For a start, the personification of 'earth' is striking. The earth is the place over which we, as in God's image, have dominion as caretakers. We are to 'subdue' it: make it right for people, I'd take that as. Not exploit, damage, destroy, as our detractors think it means. Care for it, make it a productive, beneficial delight, after the theme of the 'very good' evaluation of the Creator in Genesis 1.

The only healing the earth needs or will get, is by God's grace in the new creation, when all things will be made new.

Meanwhile, on a spiritual aspect, we need to attend to God's promise to Noah in Genesis 8:22.

Then, when we hear the prognostications of the wicked, remember Jeremiah 17:9, and cast our mind back to Matthew 7:15 and Deuteronomy 18:20-22.

Then, be always sceptical of those who make totalising scare predictions that will destroy the peace and enjoyment of the ordinary person and accumulate wealth and power to the few.

Finally, look at all the data, not the selection tendentiously presented by the common media.

Beware of 'social justice' tropes that are mere echoes of Marxist talking points.

The child's fear demonstrates the indoctrination of kids to the leftist fantasy that 'earth' needs healing, in a world that is feeding more people than ever before and as nations get richer are able to be more conservative of their natural environment for people's health and enjoyment, etc.

We must always be on the lookout in schools of people's duplicitous misuse of data to scare us into totalitarian poverty.


Indeed, Christians are already providing intellectual clarity here: The Cornwall Alliance is a prime example.

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