Comment I posted to a Frank Turek question time.
The kid has spotted the problem in theistic evolution, and even 'long age' views of earth history: Evolution is 'kill or be killed'. He's right, death is the engine of comparative advantage in evolution. Happily Darwinian Evolution is a bunch of nonsense and has explained nothing.
But, on to the main topic.
Every one of these arguments begins with the fantasy 'god-of-the-philosophers', not the creator God who reveals himself in history and through history seeking restoration of us in his fellowship.
Nor is it good to discuss 'free-will'. The point of departure is that God has created this cosmos for us to enjoy him in, and to 'steward'. We, in Adam, have disavowed God's way and chosen our own: as we are in God's image our choices are real and are significant and carry all of creation with them.
Turned from our Creator we are living out of synch with the way things should be. The only 'good' in this is that the corrupted and decaying cosmos is an alarm bell of our plight. We know things are bad. More bad for some than others, but still bad for all: we all die!
The only way out is the way in: restored connection of love with the creator. We have this in turning to Christ, being filled with his Spirit in new life. Not for a life in heaven, this gives the wrong idea, but for life in a renewed creation. Like this one only immeasurable better. Paul tells us, better beyond our imagination or comprehension. So far far better, this life will fade to insignificance. Especially after the first 30 billion years when we've gotten to know everyone (HUMOUR!!)
Nor does God 'create people for suffering'. It is we who bring people into the world under the terms of the creation mandate. God is not the puppet-master god, he is not the fairy-god-mother god, he is not the distant God., he is not the over-defined god-of-the-philosophers. He is the living eternal creator. You want to respond to the alarm bell? Turn to Christ and the world is in a different light. He then is with us in our struggles because we are in him.
He works through the corrupted history that we make and pilot our way in, because this is our place--remember, we are its stewards--and his incarnation in Christ is part of the rescue program: he entered history to overcome death, did so in his resurrection and invites us to join him.
As Jesus pointed out when asked about deaths in a construction accident: repent unless this also happens to you (death before repentance). That's his theodicy: we are all in the tank, its only the depth that varies, so catch the line from the rescue helicopter before you sink to the bottom. Any speculation about suffering bringing good in a utilitarian fashion is misplaced and offensive: it is the alarm bell. Sure God works all things together for good for those...called according to his purpose, but Jesus indicated the only good from suffering is a call to repentance, not: "thankfully, this helped the construction industry in Galilee improve is OHS standards."
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