The village cynic will from time to time deploy his or her full force with the witty originality of a moronic quip that Christians believe in a 'sky-daddy', or worship the 'flying spaghetti monster'.
Now, both make two errors.
1-They place their cardboard cutout conception of the creator-God within the cosmos, enclosed by the system of doom we are all currently caught within; that's not who the creator-God is. He is prior to and beyond this doomed system of decay and frustration which he offers rescue from.
2-The other error is that their mocking unbelief is an unbelief that has produced nothing for anyone. It rebounds on them, because their ultimate point of reference, the point that would show why our lives are truly meaningful, is dust; they start as worm dung, get reorganized into a bunch of cells made of dust, which then, shortly after, become a banal pile of dust once more. And nothing is really of value or significance.
Yet, they live as though their lives, even their puerile quip, has some real meaning.
It doesn't; on their grounds.
So: my 'sky-daddy' beats your 'dust-mammy' any day. If you don't like 'dust-mammy' substitute: dust-bug.
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