I agree, particularly when the posters over emphasise an issue that is already socially distorted. Domestic violence, in this case.
Here's a series of posters I saw on a church notice board...the photo catches about half of the series with the same message (and not a mention of mothers' violence towards children or wives violence towards men...all of which are at tiny proportions in the church).
And for Deming's view. When he says 'slogans' this applies to motivational posters too.
OTOH, a poster of biblical content would be great. We talk about the word; let's display it for quiet contemplation.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
The personal creation
Christ at Christmas brings humanity and eternity together (David Smith, sermon at St James, Turramurra, 25 Dec 19).
In the incarnation: in Christ God steps into our world. (David Smith, sermon at St James Turramurra 24 Dec 19).
This is God, creator, personally involved and the involvement starts at the creation where God demonstrates by his method of creation eternity existentially involved in time, with creatures who can reciprocate relationship being in God’s image.
The universe is riven with love, with God’s personal involvement with our place, our being, the ground of our communion with our creator by his acting in the time in which we must act, creating in the mode of our being (in time and shown to be so). Without this we would not see the eternal Creator involved in the finite world of creatures, there would be an existential chasm, unbridgeable.
The common assertion that God ‘created’ by ‘evolution’ undoes all this. Everything about the materialism that requires evolution depersonalises God, the universe and everything. It pushes God out of relationship with us, and removes his loving involvement with we his creatures.
Col 1:16: For by Him (Christ) all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Family and I went to a different service at our church today: later (better time for night owls like me, actually), it was the younger set's service.
It was a cracker. The sermon and the precentor were both on the money. Fine sermon on Paul's encouragement to give thanks in all things, and the precentor? She just got on with her job, and did so very well, smoothly, not attention grabbing. It all clicked together seamlessly.
One surprising thing in the sermon was the PowerPoint slides:
Generally very good graphically.
One surprise was the image of the New Jerusalem.
Yep: that's it. A 1950's faux Tuscan park in front of New New York, from Dr Who.
I'd have never guessed.
It was a cracker. The sermon and the precentor were both on the money. Fine sermon on Paul's encouragement to give thanks in all things, and the precentor? She just got on with her job, and did so very well, smoothly, not attention grabbing. It all clicked together seamlessly.
One surprising thing in the sermon was the PowerPoint slides:
Generally very good graphically.
One surprise was the image of the New Jerusalem.
Yep: that's it. A 1950's faux Tuscan park in front of New New York, from Dr Who.
I'd have never guessed.
For little kids
I recently picked the Bible Society's book "Christmas" by Susannah McFarlane.
What a great idea to get children interested in Christian faith and to start understanding it. Then, on page 6, it started to unravel. "People didn't want to do what God told them to....They wanted to decide things, not God." And this was for kids, who spend their whole lives being told what to do...is God like that?
Just a bigger teller what to do? I don't think so. Just think about Genesis 1:27 and 3:9-10. God made us for relationship, to be 'in sync' with him, then sought that relationship.
What's missing in the book is that God started out as the one who loves, who seeks relationship everywhere.
Thus the text might better be:
"People didn't want to be friends with God and live how he had made them to. People turned away from being Gods friends and tried to be God's bosses. But they didn't know enough, and weren't wise enough.
We are all like that, we think we know better than God about who God made us and we muck things up...often we do this a lot.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot really be God's friends because we keep telling him we don't want to live like he made us."
You get the picture. For kids particularly, its about relationship, about relationship broken, and about God himself coming into our world (that he made for us) to make us strong enough to be his friends again.
Then, of course, you'll have to deal with what it means that God made everything. The first thing kids will hit at preschool is materialistic, pagan evolution, which de-personalises the universe, pushes God away from real involvement with us, and denies that he created us in any realand meaningful way.
Indeed, part of the theology of Genesis 1 is that God stepped into our world in the very act(s) of creation and did so to show his means of creating: by his direct word, and that this creation was immediately from the 'hand' of God. The place made for us to be friends of God. The creation account imbeds the relationship in the real concrete world; not in some immaterial fiction that has no relation with anything real in our lives.
What a great idea to get children interested in Christian faith and to start understanding it. Then, on page 6, it started to unravel. "People didn't want to do what God told them to....They wanted to decide things, not God." And this was for kids, who spend their whole lives being told what to do...is God like that?
Just a bigger teller what to do? I don't think so. Just think about Genesis 1:27 and 3:9-10. God made us for relationship, to be 'in sync' with him, then sought that relationship.
What's missing in the book is that God started out as the one who loves, who seeks relationship everywhere.
Thus the text might better be:
"People didn't want to be friends with God and live how he had made them to. People turned away from being Gods friends and tried to be God's bosses. But they didn't know enough, and weren't wise enough.
We are all like that, we think we know better than God about who God made us and we muck things up...often we do this a lot.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot really be God's friends because we keep telling him we don't want to live like he made us."
You get the picture. For kids particularly, its about relationship, about relationship broken, and about God himself coming into our world (that he made for us) to make us strong enough to be his friends again.
Then, of course, you'll have to deal with what it means that God made everything. The first thing kids will hit at preschool is materialistic, pagan evolution, which de-personalises the universe, pushes God away from real involvement with us, and denies that he created us in any realand meaningful way.
Indeed, part of the theology of Genesis 1 is that God stepped into our world in the very act(s) of creation and did so to show his means of creating: by his direct word, and that this creation was immediately from the 'hand' of God. The place made for us to be friends of God. The creation account imbeds the relationship in the real concrete world; not in some immaterial fiction that has no relation with anything real in our lives.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Small group facilitators’ training program outline.
Intended for use over a two year program of two or three weekend training retreats.
Would include talks, workshops, videos, discussions, good food and drink, relaxing walks in the countryside.
Items are identified as being treated in year 1 (y1) or year 2 (y2) of the program.
Old Testament (y1)
Overview of OT, themes and history of Israel, biblical (OT) archaeology
New Testament (y1)
Overview of NT, themes and early church history, how the text came to us, biblical (NT) archaeology, Dead Sea Scrolls, Papyrus discoveries, the Jesus Seminar, and where heterodoxy comes from (e.g. Thiering, Spong)
Faith through Time (i.e. History of Theology) (y2)
Early church’s christology, ecclesiology, development of views of God, influence of pagan philosophy (still continues to this day!).
The Bible Today (i.e. Current Trends in Theology) (y2)
Major modern theologians, their concerns and intellectual contexts.
Working with People (y1 and 2)
Interpersonal skills – communication styles, listening to people (overt and covert messages), ‘body language’ as communicator.
Running a Group (y1 and 2)
Group dynamics – the establishment of group roles by implicit negotiation, development of group communication (parts of the Alpha training course tape may provide useful techniques).
Leader as facilitator, leader as ‘representing Jesus’ to the group (as we all do to each other).
The place of prayer and bible reading, getting a group going as a small community of faith, dealing with and accepting dissent as resource for the Spirit to use.
How they Used to do It (Church History) (y1)
Cults, Heresies and Other Religions (y2)
Explaining the Hope Within Us (apologetics) (y1)
Christianity and the Arts (y1 and 2)
Reactions and Results (y2)
Christian impacts in society and history, ‘social and historical apologetics’ e.g. the Christian seedbed of modern science and how this has dislocated to materialism but using the ontological capital of Christian thought. Views of society and social revolutions or not (Methodism in Britain). The rise of democracy and its links with Protestant thought. The notion of the rule of law for civil justice.
Would include talks, workshops, videos, discussions, good food and drink, relaxing walks in the countryside.
Items are identified as being treated in year 1 (y1) or year 2 (y2) of the program.
Main Strands
Biblical Understanding
Development of an appreciation for the Bible in its historical settings, the debates which have been had about this, the different views of the Bible and their origins. Put biblical books into their contexts and understand the flow of biblical history.Old Testament (y1)
Overview of OT, themes and history of Israel, biblical (OT) archaeology
New Testament (y1)
Overview of NT, themes and early church history, how the text came to us, biblical (NT) archaeology, Dead Sea Scrolls, Papyrus discoveries, the Jesus Seminar, and where heterodoxy comes from (e.g. Thiering, Spong)
Faith through Time (i.e. History of Theology) (y2)
Early church’s christology, ecclesiology, development of views of God, influence of pagan philosophy (still continues to this day!).
The Bible Today (i.e. Current Trends in Theology) (y2)
Major modern theologians, their concerns and intellectual contexts.
Group Life
Development of communication and group facilitation skills, being able to empathise and lead people, understanding group life in voluntary associations, establishing common ground, leading adults as distinct from teaching children or lecturing students. Introduction to adult education concepts and presentation skills.Working with People (y1 and 2)
Interpersonal skills – communication styles, listening to people (overt and covert messages), ‘body language’ as communicator.
Running a Group (y1 and 2)
Group dynamics – the establishment of group roles by implicit negotiation, development of group communication (parts of the Alpha training course tape may provide useful techniques).
Leader as facilitator, leader as ‘representing Jesus’ to the group (as we all do to each other).
The place of prayer and bible reading, getting a group going as a small community of faith, dealing with and accepting dissent as resource for the Spirit to use.
Christianity in Society - Interaction of Christians and Christian thinking with society.
How they Used to do It (Church History) (y1)
Cults, Heresies and Other Religions (y2)
Explaining the Hope Within Us (apologetics) (y1)
Christianity and the Arts (y1 and 2)
Reactions and Results (y2)
Christian impacts in society and history, ‘social and historical apologetics’ e.g. the Christian seedbed of modern science and how this has dislocated to materialism but using the ontological capital of Christian thought. Views of society and social revolutions or not (Methodism in Britain). The rise of democracy and its links with Protestant thought. The notion of the rule of law for civil justice.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Eternity meets time
In a wonderful article (paywalled) in The Australian, Greg Sheridan starts with:
The first Christmas Day was the moment when eternity announced its presence in time. The immense and the everlasting pierced the thin veil of time.
An interesting aspect of the creation account: Genesis 1 is that it does the very some thing. One of the challenges in many 'religions' and indeed aspects of philosophy, is the conjoint function of 'eternity' and 'time' or universals and particulars.
Some religious views deal with this by placing veils of illusion between what is foundationally real and the human experience; not Christianity (or Judaism, for that matter).
God shows his congress with us in time by acting in the constrained time that we live in: he created in six days: he paced his interaction with us in terms of our limits. There was nothing made up or artificial in this. There are, after all, no limits to the creator.
Genesis 1, along with the incarnation, shows the creator as real in the contingent creation. It also shows that our experience of life and God is equally real. Not illusion, not imaginary, not a dream. Real.
The first Christmas Day was the moment when eternity announced its presence in time. The immense and the everlasting pierced the thin veil of time.
An interesting aspect of the creation account: Genesis 1 is that it does the very some thing. One of the challenges in many 'religions' and indeed aspects of philosophy, is the conjoint function of 'eternity' and 'time' or universals and particulars.
Some religious views deal with this by placing veils of illusion between what is foundationally real and the human experience; not Christianity (or Judaism, for that matter).
God shows his congress with us in time by acting in the constrained time that we live in: he created in six days: he paced his interaction with us in terms of our limits. There was nothing made up or artificial in this. There are, after all, no limits to the creator.
Genesis 1, along with the incarnation, shows the creator as real in the contingent creation. It also shows that our experience of life and God is equally real. Not illusion, not imaginary, not a dream. Real.
Christmas is upon us!
I'm a bit over-Christmassed this year. Our usual Christmas day companions are overseas; we had our Christmas lunch last Sunday, which was 7 Lessons and Carols at my local church.
Christmas eve, we took in an early service (7pm, rather than 11pm) for a rousing session of carols:
First Nowell
What Child is This?
O Holy Night
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Angels We Hve Heard on High
Joy to the World.
And a somewhat unusual, but well-placed reading: John 1:1-14. Excellent. The theology in the history (for which see Luke 1).
Then today (Christmas day) two, yes, two (2) services. One at our regular church, and the other at our previous regular church to stay in touch with some old friends.
Last night the sermon included this observation:
Christ and Christmas brings humanity and eternity together.
I liked it.
One of the 'problems' of theology is the communion between the eternal God and man in his temporal world.
This is done in Genesis 1 where God acts in our time-constrained and physical world, with physical effect with rational causality from his will (his word): the stage-setting intersection of eternity and humanity, enabling the reciprocal communion because we are in God's image: like him in aspects of our nature and he is existentially active in our world.
The incarnation completes and authenticates this: with God in Christ being one of us, but God and man, rescuing us from our alientation from our Creator. Both concretely grounded in the Real. The Real, where we sweat, weep, laugh and love.
Christmas eve, we took in an early service (7pm, rather than 11pm) for a rousing session of carols:
First Nowell
What Child is This?
O Holy Night
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Angels We Hve Heard on High
Joy to the World.
And a somewhat unusual, but well-placed reading: John 1:1-14. Excellent. The theology in the history (for which see Luke 1).
Then today (Christmas day) two, yes, two (2) services. One at our regular church, and the other at our previous regular church to stay in touch with some old friends.
Last night the sermon included this observation:
Christ and Christmas brings humanity and eternity together.
I liked it.
One of the 'problems' of theology is the communion between the eternal God and man in his temporal world.
This is done in Genesis 1 where God acts in our time-constrained and physical world, with physical effect with rational causality from his will (his word): the stage-setting intersection of eternity and humanity, enabling the reciprocal communion because we are in God's image: like him in aspects of our nature and he is existentially active in our world.
The incarnation completes and authenticates this: with God in Christ being one of us, but God and man, rescuing us from our alientation from our Creator. Both concretely grounded in the Real. The Real, where we sweat, weep, laugh and love.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Want a lonely Christmas?
I know many people find Christmas lonely: I know because Ray Hadley on 2GB radio said so.
For a Christian within a more 'traditional' congregation, Christmas is a time of high activity. Indeed all of Advent is a special season.
A local church for me is quite busy over the lead up to Christmas:
If you want to be really 'pointy' Christ Church St Lawrence will keep you busier than a bee on a honey drive (they are also a little naughty referring to the Eucharist as 'mass').
Now, this might not solve a loneliness problem, but it will keep you busy, with people (if you want to chat all the better), and one hopes thinking of others rather than self.
For a Christian within a more 'traditional' congregation, Christmas is a time of high activity. Indeed all of Advent is a special season.
A local church for me is quite busy over the lead up to Christmas:
If you want to be really 'pointy' Christ Church St Lawrence will keep you busier than a bee on a honey drive (they are also a little naughty referring to the Eucharist as 'mass').
Now, this might not solve a loneliness problem, but it will keep you busy, with people (if you want to chat all the better), and one hopes thinking of others rather than self.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Want to be a Christian?
While awaiting a friend to finish a meeting, I was browsing through the pamphlets in the foyer of the church centre, wondering what there was for a stranger, newcommer, interested person, enquirer, etc. to pick up that might pique their interest, satisfy their curisosity or stimualte them to thought and future attendance at a seminar, training session or even church meeting ('service' as we like to call them).
So here is our passive evangelist (or 'marketing colateral' if we were a business). A mess! The medium is the message, so what is the contained message here? 'Don't care.'
Then the content. I looked for something that would attract the target audience: 'alpha', 'the priceless pearl', 'John's Gospel', a few rag-eared New Testaments with unreadably small print, a survivor's guide to baptism.
None of that attracted me, I don't think any would attract me as a neophyte.
A display for literature that seeks to attract and influence should look attractive, considered and inviting, with all the brochures clearly displayed. It should also include material that would introduce the faith, introduce the Bible, deal with common questions and common objections. Be topical, relevant, interesting and accessible.
So here is our passive evangelist (or 'marketing colateral' if we were a business). A mess! The medium is the message, so what is the contained message here? 'Don't care.'
Then the content. I looked for something that would attract the target audience: 'alpha', 'the priceless pearl', 'John's Gospel', a few rag-eared New Testaments with unreadably small print, a survivor's guide to baptism.
None of that attracted me, I don't think any would attract me as a neophyte.
A display for literature that seeks to attract and influence should look attractive, considered and inviting, with all the brochures clearly displayed. It should also include material that would introduce the faith, introduce the Bible, deal with common questions and common objections. Be topical, relevant, interesting and accessible.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The physical creation is important
When bookish types get hold of the Bible, they tend to 'bookish-ize it'. That is, they make it about non-world things, about ideas in the mad Plato relm of 'forms'. Mad is the word.
The Bible resists this. It's literary principle is 'concrete-realism'. Its about things that happen in the world where one stubs one's toes. This world
Thus two 'this world' events are critical to understanding the world, the creator and ourselves:
The creation and the incarnation.
The importance of the the PHYSICAL aspects of creation: 6 days are proof positive that metaphysical naturalism doesn't rule.
If God had left the time door open (that is days are some sort of literary devise detached from anything real) then the atheist is epistemically guiltless because time did it, not God.
If it's 6 days then there is no more creation taking place i.e. no new genetic information arising in the creation (apart from miracles), as evolution and its time lords demand.
The PHYSICAL resurrection shows death is not natural to the creation; he's God because only God can overcome death ("I will raise my own body").
If there was no physical resurrection then he hasn't overcome death and thus is not the creator as that sort of creation says death is a natural part of the creative order (unless of course flesh is not really natural to the creation as the Gnostics believe).
(courtesy of a pal of mine)
The Bible resists this. It's literary principle is 'concrete-realism'. Its about things that happen in the world where one stubs one's toes. This world
Thus two 'this world' events are critical to understanding the world, the creator and ourselves:
The creation and the incarnation.
The importance of the the PHYSICAL aspects of creation: 6 days are proof positive that metaphysical naturalism doesn't rule.
If God had left the time door open (that is days are some sort of literary devise detached from anything real) then the atheist is epistemically guiltless because time did it, not God.
If it's 6 days then there is no more creation taking place i.e. no new genetic information arising in the creation (apart from miracles), as evolution and its time lords demand.
The PHYSICAL resurrection shows death is not natural to the creation; he's God because only God can overcome death ("I will raise my own body").
If there was no physical resurrection then he hasn't overcome death and thus is not the creator as that sort of creation says death is a natural part of the creative order (unless of course flesh is not really natural to the creation as the Gnostics believe).
(courtesy of a pal of mine)
Monday, December 16, 2019
The better Advent close
You've possibly heard of the final Advent service of 9 lessons and carols, invented, it is said, in Truro Cathedral by Ed Benson in 1880.
Like me, you possibly find it too long.
So at church we are doing the much better, more 'graspable' and with more Christian reference service of 7 lessons and carols (7 being the number of 'perfection' or completion: see Genesis 1).
Like me, you possibly find it too long.
So at church we are doing the much better, more 'graspable' and with more Christian reference service of 7 lessons and carols (7 being the number of 'perfection' or completion: see Genesis 1).
CONGREGATION – Jer. 33:14-16
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Isaiah 11:1-10
Luke 1:26-38 (I've been asked to read this one)
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Matt 1:18-25
Luke 2:8-20
Hark the Herald Angels
Joy to the World
Luke 2:25-35
O Holy Night
O Come Let Us Adore Him
Here I Am to Worship
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Calvinism is like socialism
I was looking at the Koorong Books catalogue again today. Koorong is Australia's major Christian resource retailer. Now owned by the Bible Society, but used to be owned by Paul Boots. It started out of his parents' garage, I understand, in one of the Koorong Aves.
It then moved to a joined up pair of shops in Ryedale Rd West Ryde. I remember helping empty shipping containers of books when they arrived from the USA on a semi-trailer. Now that's the way to move books!
I think those shops used to be used by the 'House of the New World' a hip Christian mission for youth work. One of my High School teachers had been involved with it and I visited there a few times in the early to mid seventies. Happily I decided not to follow either Alinsky's hate or Hirt's delusional aspects (see the picture).
I was young, I was in my Calvinist phase. Happily Koorong is no longer a branch office of The Banner of Truth (I visited the HQ in Scotland many years ago...when I was coming out of Calvinism), but the range has other down-sides in my estimation. Too much empty fashionable books, not enough popular hard-thought works.
One thing Calvinism did was it got me into reading serious tomes about theology and faith. I read a ton of them. I even had Calvin's commentary -- the full set -- and used it to prepare Bible studies.
Calvinism in a way is like socialism. It's a something for the headstrong young, but good to grow out of.
I was a socialist too when young. Uni indoctrinates one into its attractive but superfical beneficence. But I went further. I joined Action for World Development, an organisation with some links to the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference, but more links, I think to 'liberation' theologians. It was to the left of Che Gauvara. I met some great people in that group, and some wild ones. I experienced my first house party with co-ed dorms! That was...a little confronting!
I sought books at the Sydney Black Rose bookshop. I read Bakunin, Murray Bookchin and Ursuala LeGuin (her book set on an anarchist planet) and a few other anarchists. I subscribed to the New Internationalist, I read The Guardian.
Then I woke up, and afterwards awoke from Calvinism too.
I had also realised the New Internationalist was a people-hating marxist rag, I realised the only thing going for The Guardian was its tissue paper stock, and that now because it was easy to dispose of: like toilet paper is.
I recently picked up my old Bible marked up with Calvinist prooftexts, but started to read it en genre: that is, like history, poetry, letters, mission accounts (the gospels). I no longer could read the Bible in the arid stoicist style of Calvinists.
Finally, I was full of regret: all the time I'd wasted reading too much Calvinism and too much socialism! Oh that I had read Mises instead of Bookchin. Friedman instead of Bakunin.
But...all under the bridge now.
It then moved to a joined up pair of shops in Ryedale Rd West Ryde. I remember helping empty shipping containers of books when they arrived from the USA on a semi-trailer. Now that's the way to move books!
I think those shops used to be used by the 'House of the New World' a hip Christian mission for youth work. One of my High School teachers had been involved with it and I visited there a few times in the early to mid seventies. Happily I decided not to follow either Alinsky's hate or Hirt's delusional aspects (see the picture).
![]() |
John Hirt, founded House of the New World |
I was young, I was in my Calvinist phase. Happily Koorong is no longer a branch office of The Banner of Truth (I visited the HQ in Scotland many years ago...when I was coming out of Calvinism), but the range has other down-sides in my estimation. Too much empty fashionable books, not enough popular hard-thought works.
One thing Calvinism did was it got me into reading serious tomes about theology and faith. I read a ton of them. I even had Calvin's commentary -- the full set -- and used it to prepare Bible studies.
Calvinism in a way is like socialism. It's a something for the headstrong young, but good to grow out of.
I was a socialist too when young. Uni indoctrinates one into its attractive but superfical beneficence. But I went further. I joined Action for World Development, an organisation with some links to the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference, but more links, I think to 'liberation' theologians. It was to the left of Che Gauvara. I met some great people in that group, and some wild ones. I experienced my first house party with co-ed dorms! That was...a little confronting!
I sought books at the Sydney Black Rose bookshop. I read Bakunin, Murray Bookchin and Ursuala LeGuin (her book set on an anarchist planet) and a few other anarchists. I subscribed to the New Internationalist, I read The Guardian.
Then I woke up, and afterwards awoke from Calvinism too.
I had also realised the New Internationalist was a people-hating marxist rag, I realised the only thing going for The Guardian was its tissue paper stock, and that now because it was easy to dispose of: like toilet paper is.
I recently picked up my old Bible marked up with Calvinist prooftexts, but started to read it en genre: that is, like history, poetry, letters, mission accounts (the gospels). I no longer could read the Bible in the arid stoicist style of Calvinists.
Finally, I was full of regret: all the time I'd wasted reading too much Calvinism and too much socialism! Oh that I had read Mises instead of Bookchin. Friedman instead of Bakunin.
But...all under the bridge now.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
They came.
The church I'm part of runs a number of 'community-facing' programs. One of them is Mainly Music, and there are a few children's Sunday programs that also attract some non-members. Mainly Music has lots of participants from outside our congregations.
These groups give a contact point with adults who might not be in the church circle.
This morning, our Christmas 'Celebration' included gifts for children moving from one Sunday group to another (as they grow), and a big contribution from Mainly Music children. Many of their parents and some grandparents came along.
Then we had a brunch for no charge.
More opportunity for chatting, getting to know and building a brand...as marketeers might say.
A great example of a customer involvement chain.
These groups give a contact point with adults who might not be in the church circle.
This morning, our Christmas 'Celebration' included gifts for children moving from one Sunday group to another (as they grow), and a big contribution from Mainly Music children. Many of their parents and some grandparents came along.
Then we had a brunch for no charge.
More opportunity for chatting, getting to know and building a brand...as marketeers might say.
A great example of a customer involvement chain.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Koorong Catalogue
Koorong's Catalogue arrived recently -- my wife picked one up on the way home -- as always, I flicked through it with a mixture of interest and dismay.
The dismay arose from book titles like Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. Now that would attract readers, wouldn't it. Particularly people not Christian looking for something to lift them. How about 100 Things God Loves About You, seriously? Disciplines of the Godly Man. Not too bad sounding, but still about finger wagging.
One of the things about self-help and 'New Age' books, except for the really kooky ones, is attractive, upbeat 'come and take me' titles.
I didn't see any books that might be truly evangelistic: taking the gospel to people who are just seeking to get through life when they feel its tougher than they can handle. This would be books that take from the Scriptures wisdom about who we are, being God's creation, and what life is really meant to be like and where the power for such life comes from.
Like (yes, I did find a title that might fit this) The Way of the Warrior, Hope in the Dark, When God Becomes Real. The 'best sellers' list had some good looking titles. I hope the general reader would find them stimulating. I hope they were written that way, for the 'general reader' market.
But then, the Bibles: so many 'red letter'. Or, as most print is rendered: the words of Jesus in brown! I hate such design. 10% of men are red colourblind: protanopic. It looks bad: the words of Jesus in dull beige! Just cut it out. There is no theological or literary reason for the words of Jesus in weird colors.
Even for a normally sighted person such as me, it is irritating. The contrast on the page is bad, demanding high intensity lighting at night. All scripture is valuable, not just Jesus words. I am reading the NIV NT brown letter edition at the moment. The low contrast hard to read, pale red type is irritating to read, hard to read, and breaks the flow of narrative. Its BAD.
Trouble is, most Bibles out of the USA come with this tedious innovation. Proving that the market there is undiscerning and not all innovation is to be applauded!
The dismay arose from book titles like Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. Now that would attract readers, wouldn't it. Particularly people not Christian looking for something to lift them. How about 100 Things God Loves About You, seriously? Disciplines of the Godly Man. Not too bad sounding, but still about finger wagging.
One of the things about self-help and 'New Age' books, except for the really kooky ones, is attractive, upbeat 'come and take me' titles.
I didn't see any books that might be truly evangelistic: taking the gospel to people who are just seeking to get through life when they feel its tougher than they can handle. This would be books that take from the Scriptures wisdom about who we are, being God's creation, and what life is really meant to be like and where the power for such life comes from.
Like (yes, I did find a title that might fit this) The Way of the Warrior, Hope in the Dark, When God Becomes Real. The 'best sellers' list had some good looking titles. I hope the general reader would find them stimulating. I hope they were written that way, for the 'general reader' market.
But then, the Bibles: so many 'red letter'. Or, as most print is rendered: the words of Jesus in brown! I hate such design. 10% of men are red colourblind: protanopic. It looks bad: the words of Jesus in dull beige! Just cut it out. There is no theological or literary reason for the words of Jesus in weird colors.
Even for a normally sighted person such as me, it is irritating. The contrast on the page is bad, demanding high intensity lighting at night. All scripture is valuable, not just Jesus words. I am reading the NIV NT brown letter edition at the moment. The low contrast hard to read, pale red type is irritating to read, hard to read, and breaks the flow of narrative. Its BAD.
Trouble is, most Bibles out of the USA come with this tedious innovation. Proving that the market there is undiscerning and not all innovation is to be applauded!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Some tricky questions
In a previous post I wrote about being prepared for some basic questions of Christians.
Now for some more 'tricky' questions.
Hasn't science disproved the Bible?
First question in response:
"What do you mean 'disproved' and 'science'? Economics is a science. How has that shown that the Bible's history of Abraham's progeny is incorrect?" That's a bit of a de-stabilising opening. But what this question usually has in mind is, the idea of evolution has trumped over the creation account in Genesis.
Firstly, nothing known to science would make anything in Genesis impossible. Ideas about evolution all depend upon life and there is nothing in science that shows us where life comes from. Science is behind the game already.
Secondly, evolution relies upon the production of determined life from randomness, entails a chemical langauge system, not a material one, being applied to molecular arrangements then it requires more time that it actually relies upon for evolution to even have a hope of producing the organisms it claims it produced.
Evolution also makes personhood something that emerges randomly from matter. The Bible tells us that matter emerges by will from personhood.
How can a God of love allow evil in the world? [He doesn’t, he fights against it! Do you?]
Most people who ask this are materialists deep down: in a material reality, there are no ‘values’ and so the concept of evil does not exist in that world. Thus, first, they must say what they mean by evil and how they can see a difference between mere inconvenience and evil, rather than seek to use a Christian concept against Christ.
Secondly, this question assumes a ‘neutral’ position of values that can be used to judge God. However, there is no such position as God is the creator and sustainer of all being, Evil is in acts that are in opposition to God. Such acts can occur as we stand in rejection of God.
He created us for fellowship, which is a personal disposition based on love given freely. If its not free, its not love. But it is free and that means we are able to turn from relationship with God. Thus people do things that are contrary to ‘God-nature’. Natural evil occurs because we have all, the custodians of the creation, rejected God and his fellowship, so, non-God-nature is in the world, meaning that our care of the world, and the world or cosmos itself is now deeply flawed; but by grace has made a way back to that in Christ – if you want to not participate in evil, turn to him.
First question in response:
"I can't understand your question until to tell me what you mean by 'God', 'love', and 'evil', or even 'world' ".
Can people be ‘saved’ through other religions? [‘Saved’ is relationship with the Creator]
Again, as above, this question presumes a ‘neutral’ world from which one can judge God. Being ‘saved’ is returning to fellowship with God, the creator and sustainer of all that is and sharing his life through the new life Christ gives us. No human invented religion can do this as they have as their object the doer (the individual human), not the giver (God).
Being ‘saved’ is not a performance category, i.e., not something we ‘earn’, but is a relationship category: being in relation with the creator, in the creator’s terms. It is the creator who founds and defines life and love in a reality that is at base personal (shown in he being God in three relating persons).
What about the people who haven’t heard about Christ? [Do they seek God or self?]
Firstly, we can rely on God’s mercy. But we also bear in mind that we all have in inner moral compass, as creatures in God’s image. Paul the apostle, and our common experience tell us that we don’t even achieve our own standards, if we are honest with ourselves. The crucial question for those who have not or could not have heard about Christ is, does one think one can rely on one’s self, or humbly admit one’s incapacity in some way?
A related issue is those who claim to be good, or ‘moral’ but do not believe in God and think this is ‘good’ or perhaps impressive to God. Firstly, is their view of themselves selective, or comprehensive? It is undoubtedly selective. We all like to remember the good bits, disregarding or supressing what does not fit our self-estimation.
Secondly, our relationship with God is one of personal commitment in love. It is not a matter of impressive ‘performance’ although we strive for ‘performance’ as a consequence of our new life
The question also relates to moral equity: those who also don’t believe in God but do ‘bad’ things, on the same life-basis as the ‘good’ atheist. Their life is in degree more rebellious to the good of others than the ‘good’ person, but not in principle. Both regard themselves as good in their own eyes.
Now for some more 'tricky' questions.
Hasn't science disproved the Bible?
First question in response:
"What do you mean 'disproved' and 'science'? Economics is a science. How has that shown that the Bible's history of Abraham's progeny is incorrect?" That's a bit of a de-stabilising opening. But what this question usually has in mind is, the idea of evolution has trumped over the creation account in Genesis.
Firstly, nothing known to science would make anything in Genesis impossible. Ideas about evolution all depend upon life and there is nothing in science that shows us where life comes from. Science is behind the game already.
Secondly, evolution relies upon the production of determined life from randomness, entails a chemical langauge system, not a material one, being applied to molecular arrangements then it requires more time that it actually relies upon for evolution to even have a hope of producing the organisms it claims it produced.
Evolution also makes personhood something that emerges randomly from matter. The Bible tells us that matter emerges by will from personhood.
How can a God of love allow evil in the world? [He doesn’t, he fights against it! Do you?]
Most people who ask this are materialists deep down: in a material reality, there are no ‘values’ and so the concept of evil does not exist in that world. Thus, first, they must say what they mean by evil and how they can see a difference between mere inconvenience and evil, rather than seek to use a Christian concept against Christ.
Secondly, this question assumes a ‘neutral’ position of values that can be used to judge God. However, there is no such position as God is the creator and sustainer of all being, Evil is in acts that are in opposition to God. Such acts can occur as we stand in rejection of God.
He created us for fellowship, which is a personal disposition based on love given freely. If its not free, its not love. But it is free and that means we are able to turn from relationship with God. Thus people do things that are contrary to ‘God-nature’. Natural evil occurs because we have all, the custodians of the creation, rejected God and his fellowship, so, non-God-nature is in the world, meaning that our care of the world, and the world or cosmos itself is now deeply flawed; but by grace has made a way back to that in Christ – if you want to not participate in evil, turn to him.
First question in response:
"I can't understand your question until to tell me what you mean by 'God', 'love', and 'evil', or even 'world' ".
Can people be ‘saved’ through other religions? [‘Saved’ is relationship with the Creator]
Again, as above, this question presumes a ‘neutral’ world from which one can judge God. Being ‘saved’ is returning to fellowship with God, the creator and sustainer of all that is and sharing his life through the new life Christ gives us. No human invented religion can do this as they have as their object the doer (the individual human), not the giver (God).
Being ‘saved’ is not a performance category, i.e., not something we ‘earn’, but is a relationship category: being in relation with the creator, in the creator’s terms. It is the creator who founds and defines life and love in a reality that is at base personal (shown in he being God in three relating persons).
What about the people who haven’t heard about Christ? [Do they seek God or self?]
Firstly, we can rely on God’s mercy. But we also bear in mind that we all have in inner moral compass, as creatures in God’s image. Paul the apostle, and our common experience tell us that we don’t even achieve our own standards, if we are honest with ourselves. The crucial question for those who have not or could not have heard about Christ is, does one think one can rely on one’s self, or humbly admit one’s incapacity in some way?
A related issue is those who claim to be good, or ‘moral’ but do not believe in God and think this is ‘good’ or perhaps impressive to God. Firstly, is their view of themselves selective, or comprehensive? It is undoubtedly selective. We all like to remember the good bits, disregarding or supressing what does not fit our self-estimation.
Secondly, our relationship with God is one of personal commitment in love. It is not a matter of impressive ‘performance’ although we strive for ‘performance’ as a consequence of our new life
The question also relates to moral equity: those who also don’t believe in God but do ‘bad’ things, on the same life-basis as the ‘good’ atheist. Their life is in degree more rebellious to the good of others than the ‘good’ person, but not in principle. Both regard themselves as good in their own eyes.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Advent 1, more!
I ended my 1st Sunday in Advent listening to Advent music, care of For the God who Sings on ABC Classic FM.
I cannot think of a better way to end the day.
We were treated to:
I cannot think of a better way to end the day.
We were treated to:
Parry, (Charles) Hubert
I Was Glad [07'11]
Choir of King's College Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury (conductor)Evensong Live 2019: Anthems and Canticles, King's College KGS0038 - 10:08pm
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Cantata No. 62 "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" [19'38]
Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Joanne Lunn (soprano), Jan Kobow (tenor), Dietrich Henschel (bass), William Towers (alto), John Eliot Gardiner (conductor)Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13: BWV 36, 61, 62, 70, 132 & 147, Soli Deo Gloria SDG 162 - 10:27pm
Bach, Johann Christoph
Lieber Herr Gott [04'16]
Vox Luminis, Lionel Meunier (conductor)Johann Bach, Johann Christoph Bach, Johann Michael Bach: Motetten, Ricercar RIC 347 - 10:32pm
Schütz, Heinrich
O lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auf [03'41]
La Chapelle Royale, Philippe Herreweghe (conductor)Schütz: Musikalische Exequien etc, harmonia mundi HMC 901261 - 10:35pm
Milner, Anthony
Out of Your Sleep Arise [02'43]
Joseph Wicks (organ), St John's College Choir Cambridge, Andrew Nethsingha (conductor)Christmas with St John's, Signum Classics SIGCD 458 - 10:40pm
Cooman, Carson
The Appleton Motets in Op. 767: IV. Watch Therefore [01'59]
Cambridge Consonance, Jeffrey Grossman (conductor)The Welcome News, Gothic G-49280 - 10:42pm
Long, James
Vigilate [04'11]
St John's College Choir Cambridge, Andrew Nethsingha (conductor)Advent Live, Signum Classics SIGCD535 - 10:46pm
Byrd, William
Vigilate [04'42]
The Cardinall’s Musick, Andrew Carwood (conductor)The Byrd Edition, Vol. 8: Cantiones Sacrae; Propers for the Feast of the Purification, ASV CD GAU 309 - 10:50pm
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Cantata No. 61 "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" [15'13]
Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, Joanne Lunn (soprano), Jan Kobow (tenor), Dietrich Henschel (bass), William Towers (alto), John Eliot Gardiner (conductor)Bach Cantatas, Vol. 13: BWV 36, 61, 62, 70, 132 & 147, Soli Deo Gloria SDG 162 - 11:06pm
Jackson, Gabriel
Vox clara ecce intonate [04'44]
Truro Cathedral Choir, Luke Bond (organ), Joel Garthwaite (saxophone), Christopher Gray (conductor)Vox Clara: Music by Gabriel Jacks, Regent REGCD479 - 11:10pm
Jackson, Gabriel
7 Advent Antiphons [18'05]
Truro Cathedral Choir, Luke Bond (organ), Joel Garthwaite (saxophone), Christopher Gray (conductor)Vox Clara: Music by Gabriel Jacks, Regent REGCD479 - 11:29pm
MacMillan, James
Strathclyde Motets "Dominus dabit benignitatem" [04'34]
The Sixteen, Harry Christophers (conductor)James MacMillan: Miserere, Coro COR 16096 - 11:33pm
Gregorian Chant
Laetatus sum, gradual in mode 7 (Liber Usualis No. 560, GR 139) [02'05]
Choir and Monks of Farnborough AbbeyGregorian Chant, Herald Records 122 - 11:35pm
Jachet de Mantua/Adriaen Willaert
Laetatus sum (Psalm 122) "I sacri e santi salmi..." [06'51]
Capilla Flamenca, Dirk Snellings (conductor)Adriaen Willaert: Vespro della Beata Vergine, Ricercar RIC 325 - 11:42pm
De Wert, Giaches
Il Secondo libro de motetti: Hor est iam nos [08'31]
Collegium Regale, Stephen Cleobury (conductor)Giaches de Wert: Vox in Rama - Il Secondo libro de motetti, Signum Classics SIGCD131This last was in tribute to the recent death of Stephen Cleobury.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Christmas time comes
As we approach Christmas, youth group is about to wind up...its participants will have a 6 week or more break from their Christian friends, activity and encouragement.
Sound like a good idea to you?
No, me neither.
When I was at uni, I really looked forward to the opportunities for fellowship with other Christians at holiday time. But it was a wasteland.
Until, doing a master's degree (at uni again) I started attending St Barnys at Broadway. There was a holiday program for we stranded students. A good number attended and a wonderful time was had by all. Through it I was encouraged by the connections I made and the atmosphere of the place to join the choir (don't know if they still have a choir now).
Before my experience there, I went to a few summer schools at Capernwray at Mittagong. That was a great time, fabulous education, wonderful encouraging environment, and the chance to hang out with real Calvinists (despite which, the foregoing).
Katoomba convention also figured in my year at about that time....more Calvinists, of course, but they are OK when you get to know them. And most don't know they're Calvinists anyway :-)
I'll think about how we might do similarly at our church and what form it might take...maybe none, but a 'beach mission in the city' might be an approach, but for senior high school to uni age group. A couple of social outings, a couple of group meetings. That would be all...but people meeting each other would be the aim.
Sound like a good idea to you?
No, me neither.
When I was at uni, I really looked forward to the opportunities for fellowship with other Christians at holiday time. But it was a wasteland.
Until, doing a master's degree (at uni again) I started attending St Barnys at Broadway. There was a holiday program for we stranded students. A good number attended and a wonderful time was had by all. Through it I was encouraged by the connections I made and the atmosphere of the place to join the choir (don't know if they still have a choir now).
Before my experience there, I went to a few summer schools at Capernwray at Mittagong. That was a great time, fabulous education, wonderful encouraging environment, and the chance to hang out with real Calvinists (despite which, the foregoing).
Katoomba convention also figured in my year at about that time....more Calvinists, of course, but they are OK when you get to know them. And most don't know they're Calvinists anyway :-)
I'll think about how we might do similarly at our church and what form it might take...maybe none, but a 'beach mission in the city' might be an approach, but for senior high school to uni age group. A couple of social outings, a couple of group meetings. That would be all...but people meeting each other would be the aim.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Our Advent 1
I was pleased by the service at church yesterday: new year's day for the church calendar
Hymns were great, including O Come O Come Emanuel.
I read the Bible passage for the service: Matthew 11:16-30.
The sermon on that passage was a knockout. It is here if you want to hear it.
If only we had had a call to worship, a benediction and a tad more prayer.
My candidates for call to worship:
Romans 13:11-14
11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
and for benediction:
1 Thess 5:23-24
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
And at least one structured prayer. Perhaps the confession (from AAPB)
Merciful God,
our maker and our judge,
we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed:
we have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves;
we repent, and are sorry for all our sins.
Father, forgive us.
Strengthen us to love and obey you in newness of life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Hymns were great, including O Come O Come Emanuel.
I read the Bible passage for the service: Matthew 11:16-30.
The sermon on that passage was a knockout. It is here if you want to hear it.
If only we had had a call to worship, a benediction and a tad more prayer.
My candidates for call to worship:
Romans 13:11-14
11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
and for benediction:
1 Thess 5:23-24
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.
And at least one structured prayer. Perhaps the confession (from AAPB)
Merciful God,
our maker and our judge,
we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed:
we have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves;
we repent, and are sorry for all our sins.
Father, forgive us.
Strengthen us to love and obey you in newness of life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Sunday, December 1, 2019
1 Advent
Today, first Sunday in Advent. Very important season in the church calendar.
BCP sets down the following (note the majesty of the old English)
BCP sets down the following (note the majesty of the old English)
The Collect
Almighty God, give us
grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the
armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son
Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day,
when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty, to judge both the
quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who
liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen.
The Epistle
Romans 13.8-14
Owe no man any thing,
but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the
law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou
shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not
covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended
in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love
worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the
law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out
of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The
night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the
works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk
honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in
chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the
lusts thereof.
The Gospel
St. Matthew 21.1-13
When they drew nigh
unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives,
then sent Jesus two disciples, saying unto them, Go into the village
over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt
with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought
unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he
will send them. All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was
spoken by the Prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy
King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the
foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them;
and brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and
they set him thereon. And a very great multitude spread their garments
in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in
the way. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried,
saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is he that cometh in the
Name of the Lord; Hosanna in the Highest. And when he was come into
Jerusalem all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? And the multitude
said, This is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. And Jesus went
into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in
the temple; and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the
seats of them that sold doves; and said unto them, It is written, My
house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of
At my church? Matthew 11:16-30. Yep, only one passage, but close to the BCP...in Matthew at least.
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